

Learn About the Data Model of the NextKit Boilerplate

The NextKit boilerplate's data model is modeled around Organizations.

Organizations are groups of users, which can also be named Projects, Teams, and so on: it really depends on your application's domain.

The data model of an organization looks like the following:

sqlcreate table organizations (
  id bigint generated always as identity primary key,
  name text not null,
  logo_url text,
  created_at timestamptz not null default now()

As you can see it's a very simple data model, with just a name and a logo, but you can extend it as you wish.

Renaming "Organizations" to another entity

NextKit uses "organizations" to refer to a group of users. However, the name "organizations" may not make sense to your application's domain, even with a similar technical data model.

For example, you may want to call them "Teams", or "Workspaces". In this case, we suggest you keep using "organization" as a technical concept (otherwise, you'd have to rename every instance) within the codebase while changing the labels in the UI using the i18n files at public/locales.

To do so, simply rename all "Organization" instances according to your preferred choice.